What the 29 years old woman did on her rapper

The 29 years old woman went on TV program that was under rape.

She said to anchors on this program: “he attacks me brutally and I try to cut a piece of his body by my teeth for demonstrating that this relationship is not on my consent and it is rape. 

Adel said that she is going to home from the office of doctor that this rapper man, witch raped her in past, ran toward her and threw she to side the wall. 

According of Adel this shameful attack happened in almost sunset on 5 PM. In addition, she stated that when the rapper man became near her, she cut a piece of his body by her teeth and then grabbed on his eyes and skin and she tried to collect more DNA under her nails to proof the identity of this rapper. 
This rapper man that called “Ferninda Manila” 28 years old, identified by DNA samples that this woman collected these and he finally arrested by police.