Controversial news about transsexuality of a couple

An engaged couple said that they are not regretful because of they are transsexuality surgery and are with together in public, although people says them unsatisfying and hateful statements. 

Jimmy Eagle, 20 years old that was boy, and Luise, 25 years old that was born daughter, now changed their fate. 

This couple that both of them transferred their sexuality, live in little town, Brigid, in south of Velez. Because they live in little town, they receive unsatisfying of people as online or personal about themselves. 

Jimmy says that he cannot goes out alone, because he hears the hateful shout of people in streets or in cars. He thinks to could help to history when he goes out. 

Jimmy and Luise said that they could not remember their past before transsexuality because they always want to have another sex and after maturity, the life became nightmare for them. 

This couple that are friend with together for one year and engaged decided to marry after finishing their surgeries.