The strange and quaint life of this woman with her five husbands

In north of India and some village such as Dehradun, polyandry families is customary. In these families, boys of family after marriage of older brother join him and live with together. 

As statements, the boys of families do this work because they do not want their paternal inheritance divided between fewer heirs. 

This young woman that you see below photos named Kham Raja that is wife of five brothers. Raja, 21 years, first became wife of one brother, after those other four brothers became her legal husbands. 

Then a baby born that called his Jay. Now Raja does not know that this baby is for one of these brothers. 

Methinks, Raja was shy at first but then she used to polyandry and now she is happy. This point is interesting that not all of women in this village have five husbands except Raja and they have maximum three husbands.