The horrible rape to 14 years old girl by construction worker

One construction worker from Lithuania accused to murder of a14 years old student girl from UK. The Scotland Yard police said the motivated murder was sexual problems. 

The strong evidence against murder “Arnis Zalkalns” indicated that he is responsible for stealing and murder of 14 years old girl. 

According of detective “Andy Chalmers” the motivated of murder was sexual. The DNA of Zalkalns in shoes of Alice (slain), one snip in crime scene and also the cover of cellphone of girl that was under of soil of the yard of this man was discover by police. 

In addition, the special cover that used for the body of this girl by murder was similar to the constriction covers, which is this man’s work place. 

Detective Chalmers in interview with Scotland Today newspaper said: the reason of Alice death is asphyxiation.