The reviving of India man before burning

One 70 years old man, in north of India, revived again to life before burning of his corps in funeral. 

As the Daily mail newspaper the England issue, “Dibak Sing” had any incurable illness, even he was health and he went to plowing of his farm in Rajasthan state in north od India, every day.

But one day, suddenly he fainted and his family called the doctor; doctor realized that his heart was stop and announced his death. The family of this India man provided the necessary measures for funeral based on Hindu traditions. 

They laid him on bed and put on him a piece of textile and placed under him some weed for burning. But the reviving of old man gave the bigger shock to family more than the death of him. 

Based on this England newspaper, the moments before burning the corps of this man, the grandfather started to wag, because the sound of wailing of family lead to woke up him. Therefore, everyone knew that he is alive. 

Moreover, unlike of doctor’s realize he just was unconscious for a while. 

See Photos Here  1 - 2