The mother who killed her nine years old daughter!

The mother who maintained her disable daughter corpse in her house’s freezer for six months in Houston, Texas State is arrested. The accused “Amberkis” has 35 years old that murdered her defective daughter with starvation. The obtained information by police shows that, this girl died because malnutrition and water shortage.
According to police, this 9 years old girl had been slim before her death and suffering of malnutrition. The girl had been suffering Cerebral Palsy Alliance and her mother claimed that she found her corpse at home when her daughter didn’t breathe. This little 9 years old girl that called “Ayana”, couldn’t speak or walk in the whole time of her life and used of wheelchair on this time. According of police, this mother is been caused of her death with imposed her starving. The Ayana’s father Said that for a while I was separated of my wife and daughter and they live alone, when I heard my daughter’s death, I became saddened. 

The mother who killed her nine years old daughter!