Tahmieh Yousefi was been victim of her father’s acid throwing

Tahmineh Yousefi is young girl that she’s father threw the acid on her at Qazvin on May 5th this year. After this incident, she’s older brother got her to Qazvin Hospital with private car. But she had been transferred to Accidents and Burning Hospital of Tehran because her face, hands and feet have been burning hardly. Unlucky Tahmineh was in hospital for 20 days, and doctors made 4 skin surgeries on her. Tahmineh’s older sister that was while in hospital because her father knife attack a couple years ago and was one of eyewitness of Tahmineh’s event about this terrible crime said: recently my sister got married with young man that she realized, at the engaged time, that her husband is addicted to drugs, my sister was very sad about this, and she was going to separate from him. My parents opposed to it. The couple of days my sister has a quarrel with them. My father knows that my sister sensitivity to her dowry, so for this reason, he started selling Tahmineh’s furnishings. Until May 5th 13o’clock, Tahmieh coming home and she found that my father was sold her carpet. So their struggle intensified and my mother called my youngest brother that is born 1990, to coming home for solving the problem, when my brother arrived home, mugged Tahmieh. My father said to my brother that to get her face to throw the acid on her that he provided it before. On this time, I run away from home because I was scared to hurt me. The victim of acid throwing about the date of event and the adventure after her sister escaping said: at the first, I want to escape but my brother locked the door after my sister running away, and took my face in his hands tightly and then my father threw the acid on my face and my body, then they hanging me with rope and pulled it of two side until I was unconscious of pressure. 

The victim continued: after the hours I woke up and went to bathroom because burning pressure and then my father was going to kill me that gave up after my mother insistence. Then my mother called my older brother to bring me to hospital