The Saudi Arabian mufti man molested to his 5 years old daughter!

A Saudi mufti, Faihan Alghamedi, condemned to 8 years jail and 800 lashed because molesting to his 5 years old daughter and torturing her until death.

Faihan Alghamedi also condemned that paying one million Saudi Riyal as compensation. 

This amount money is equal of 270 thousand dollar of USA. 
This money is going to pay to ex-wife of Alghamedi.
 The mother of this girl applied ten millions Saudi Riyal as compensation for her girl death. 

A second wife of Alghamedi that excused to association to crime also condemned to 10-month jail and 150 lashed. Lemi, the Saudi mufti girl, had been taken to hospital because sever injuries at December 25, 2011. 

She lost her life after a couple months.