Social experiment performed by a girl on highway

While travelling from one place to another, we often have to see some interesting activities of the people on the roadsides. Many of them are busy in their routine matters but some are also busy to entertain the public. The people of European countries often like to do different interesting activities on the roads.

One of the interesting incidents was captured on the roadside of a city. A girl was trying to repair her car at the highway. She was completely unaware about the attention of the general public. People were enjoying the interesting experiments of the girl.

She was busy to perform her task without paying any attention to other people.It has become a common trend among the general public that many people try to make impression on others. They often pay their attention on the activities of other people instead of doing their own.

In fact, the girl was performing a social service on the roadside. It was not as astonishing as the people perceived at that time. The video clips of the incident were captured by many people and they uploaded them on different social media websites.

Girl Vs Man repairs car on highway, a social experiment

Some people try to perform different types of social services in the environment where they live. Most of the times, they have to assist the needy persons in their community. They feel satisfaction during the performance of those services.

Different types of such services are reported by the media which are being performed by the people in different countries of the world. According to the reports of media, a girl was doing a social experiment on one of the busiest highways of the city. She was trying to repair a car on the highway.

It is a matter of reality that such activities are not performed by everyone in our environment. Many people hesitate to perform such activities. They think that these are the responsibilities of the professional persons only. They are not supposed to work on the public places.

The activities of the girl were captured by one of the pedestrians who were present there. Someone has uploaded the video clip of the experiments of the girl on social media. In fact, she had become a tool of entertainment for the general public. She was just trying to amuse the people by doing such activities.

Pet cat kills venomous kobra snake

A video on social media has gained much attention in which a cat can be seen attacking the snake with its sharp claws. The back to back attacks made the snake helpless and caused to its death. It is very unusual to see a cat attacking the snake as a venomous snake capable to kill the cat in a single attack.

The cameraman accepted he had not seen such kind of incident in his life and was also surprised to see a brave cat. The video received three thousand like within two days and people lauded the bravery of the cat. They also shared their interesting experiences in the comment section. “It’s amazing cat and I would like to keep it at home”, said a young boy.

“The intelligent cat was well aware of the weakness of the snake as the cold weather had made difficult for it to make defensive attack ”, said another person. “Hunger has great power and it forces you to cross every obstacle”, commented another person.

According to wildlife experts, Snakes that are anxious and endangered will react defensively and it will frequently be obvious. Rattlesnakes are famous for announcing their annoyance with their snitch rattle. Other species will raise their heads and face you, perhaps hiss and in the case of cobras, raise their hoods. This is a clear signal that the snake is warning you to “Back off!” and it is always sensible to notice this warning.

A deadly fight between pet cat and wild kobra snake

Cameras captured the interesting moments when a cat attacked and killed a dreadful snake. The cat was wandering in the streets of the city in search of food when it saw a coiled snake lying on the road. The cat slowly moved towards to snake and carefully touched its head.
The snake uncoiled its body and attack the cat. However, the intelligent cat immediately jumped back a few feet and got ready for the next attack. According to the cameraman, the snake was present on the road and it was unable to move freely as the cold had frozen its body.

The cat took the advantage of the snake’s weakness and made it helpless with its sharp claws. Though, the snake did counter attack, but all efforts went in vain. 

Later, the cat seized the snake in its mouth and took it away towards the unknown place. The bravery of the cat astonished the cameraman and he termed the video an unforgettable memory of his life.

The video went viral on the social media and people lauded the courageous cat and the efforts of the photographer. They requested him to share his more experiences with them and suggested him to continue his passion.
 Wildlife experts say that snakes only attack when they feel a danger or provoked by someone. They rarely show aggressiveness and only do defensive attacks.
 Food and defence are the two main reasons for their attack. Otherwise, they avoid assaults and like to live peacefully.

Would You Stand In Front Of A Machine Gun Underwater

Science says it’s tougher to make movement in water than in air, however would and how your life on it? One man was brave, or stupid, enough to check the idea. 

Watch as scientist Andreas Wahl stands in up to your neck water, but five feet before of a loaded machine gun and pulls the trigger.

Watch This Snowy Crash On An Icy Road

After viewing this video, you’ll be able to see American state cruising in my Yota (stead mobbing’), whereas a metal on the left lane shows up. 

the driving force signal to merge into the center lane right as he signal a Ford truck passes by as he has already occupy the center lane, the metal driver turns into his lane which once all hell stone-broke loose. 

Driver attempt to correct himself, however went into a abrupt drifting motion right onto my lane, the AKYota had no likelihood however to ram right into on the traveller door. Continually check your BLIND spot !

It Looks Like A Tiny Whirlpool, But What Happens Next Is Mind Blowing

This whirlpool started off quite tiny, however because it gets larger, you’ll be able to begin to examine however powerful they will be. 

The whirlpool starts by dragging altogether the close water and you’ll be able to see how briskly it’s spiralling down. once he zooms out of the camera but, you’ll be able to then begin to examine the $64000 magic behind this video.

The whirlpool is dragging all of the close ice into the bottom and also the force of this whirlpool stretches on to the opposite sections of the lake moreover.

This is an out of this world video, he’s therefore lucky to own been ready to catch this on camera and it simply goes to point out what a beautiful issue nature very is.

It’s unimaginable to suppose however powerful this whirlpool is and no-one is aware of wherever the water is really going. Wow.

Mandana Karimi, the 27 years old Iranian model and actor that is shining in India!

Mandana Karimi is the famous Iranian model and actor that is arrived to much fame in India. 

In following, you can read her biography. Manije Karimi is Iranian girl who received to fame in India these days. She is known with name of Mandana and is born in 1988. 

Her father, Reza Karimi, is Hindi origin and her mother Saba Karimi is Iranian. 
In an interview, Mandana said that she traveled many times to India for visiting the cousins in that past, and when she entered to Modeling, she received many suggestions from India for getting job.

Mixed swimming at the beach in southern of Iran

A Lithuania photographer published some photos from an island in vicinity of Iran, and according to him, in there young boys and girls can swim there with together, and enjoy from freedom. 

They can be necked, listening to music, dancing in the absence of police. Theodorus Gricaliounus, the photographer, says he heard some rumors about that beach during his visit to Armenia at last year. 

So he went there, and spends a day with those youth. He took some photos that someone call them as peak of rebellion teenagers on the beach.

An image report was published in I.D magazine that there Gricaliounus says: "I knew about that beach by a young couple in Armenia. 

I said, "I interested in travel there. They said there is a beach in south of Iran that I should see". They described that there summer is very warm, and most of Iranians went there in winter.

Watch How Quickly This Girl Does A Complete 180 Degree Turn

Agree to it or not, celebrities or celebrated individuals area unit subject to a special rather special treatment than commoner. 

although each men and girls area unit prejudiced in their thinking once such a scenario arises, girls tend to be much more biased than men.The video may be a classic example of however individuals tend to vary their behavioral pattern if they feel that the one they’re reproval may be a celebrated, special or necessary temperament. 

although we have a tendency to won’t fill within the details of what happens within the video, it straightaway shows the transformation of the mind of a girl once she involves apprehend that others consider the guy whom she is reproval as celebrated.

The most ideal thanks to watch this video is to observe it along side friends and colleagues. At the top of it, raise every one looking at the video if constant is true. You’ll be stunned with the answers.

Big muscles and attractive body of this Muslim bodybuilder girl

Following you can see the photos of a Muslim bodybuilder girl who exercising with full Hijab and without any restriction and she has beautiful body. 
Khalod Essam, 27 years old, is first Muslim professional bodybuilder girl that does her work with full Hijab. She is introduced as first bodybuilder girl of Egypt. 
Despite the opposition of her friends and family, but she selected this sport for being stronger in terms of self-defense and fitness. 
She tried two years for this sport and finally she is now the coach of bodybuilding, also she is famous in some fields of it. 
Khalod loves to participate in international competitions of bodybuilding, and she calls herself the iron lady of Egypt. 

The unbelievable photos of discovering the dinosaur egg in Argentina

Argentinian archaeologists reported that they discovered of dinosaur egg in this country. 
As Iran Naz report, in the first, the people of this region did not take serious this egg and thought it is a big rock! But gradually they found it is actually is dinosaur egg. 

The dimensions of this egg are almost one meter, and professional archaeologists suspect that this egg is belonging to a glyptodont
Paleontologists say the age of this shell or egg is about 10 thousand years old. 

Tehranian bride and groom went separately with own Porsche to salon

You watch the pictures of a special wedding here. The bridal car is one of interesting options of wedding ceremony. 

The much time are spend for design and decoration of bridal car to getting ready a deserve car for bride and groom. Commonly, almost bridal cars are simple and bride and groom want that their car be easy not full of flowers. 

But this time, bride and groom did not satisfied to one car and they went to wedding salon with their own Porsche separately, at Hotel Homa in Thursday.

Girl Dance on Webcam Goes Totally Wrong

An incident happened with a dancing girl scared and amused many viewers. The incident took place when a young girl was dancing before webcam and wishing birthday to her friend who lives in another city.
Burning candles were the basic cause of the incident as the fell down on them when one of her friend opened the door. Her friend was unaware from her presence besides the door and she opened the door in ignorance.

Girl’s body caught fire immediately. Though, her friend tried to extinguish fire but she wasted much time in fidgety. According to doctors, about 25% of her body has affected from fire but lucky her face and fragile body parts like heart and lungs remained safe.

Unfortunate girl admitted that the incident was happened due to her negligence as she should lock the door before dancing. Her friends and family are happy to her safe and sound and are hoping she will recover soon.

Doctors suggested her to take complete rest and showed happiness that she is recovering rapidly. Moreover, her distant friends and colleagues are sending best wishes and saying her thanks for celebrating their birthdays ever.

Girl Faces while Dancing in Front of Webcam

A girl met with horrible incident when she was dancing in her room before webcam. The incident happened in a girl’s hostel, where a girl was alone in her room. She was aiming to wish her friend in a different way and did arrangements for this.

The girl enlightened candles on the table, turned on webcam and started dancing before it. Her friend was enjoying her dance via webcam. Initially, everything was going fine but then she tried to become sillier and stood on her head along the door.

Her roommate who wasn’t aware from her program suddenly entered in the room and as soon as she opened the door the dancing girl fell down on the table where a large number of candles were burning. Her inflammable dress caught fire that harmed her legs. However, in puzzlement she started running in the room that worse the situation.

The crazy girl immediately shifted to hospital for further treatment and still admitted in burn center where she is getting further medical treatment. Mixed reaction was seen on social media, where many showed sympathy for her many users criticized her for negligence and termed her responsible for the whole incident.

Lady caught stealing gold at jewelry shop

A girl at a local jewelry shop in Dubai was caught at the CCTV fooatage. The shop keeper was looking for some missing ornaments in the shop.
At first he failed to find them in the shop and later he realized that these pieces were missing from the tables as well. so he started to doubt the clients.

This gave him idea to look at the recording of the CCTV installed in the shop. While checking the recording of the camera he realized that he was robbed 24 hours and he dont even know it.

All this happened when a girl visited the shop along with two men. She hide different items in her dress and left the shop.

This is a very old trick that many women use in the world on daily basis.

Some people do it as they have no other way to make money but there are many women who do it as a habit.

We all know that these women dont belong to the noble class in the society.
Such women can do anything for money. This video is nothing but a one little example. If you are also running a retail business then be careful about this kind of ladies as they are found abundantly around the world.


Master thief at the gold shop

This video will make you realize that there are some people in the world who are master thief. This means that they are so much quick in their work that nobody can catch them.

This video is the proof that this girl was a master thief. She took away jewelry that worth millions and nobody even realized it.

This happened right in front of the so many people and they were not able to catch her. The reason behind it is very tricky.

This girl was very beautiful and she took everyone’s attention. Everybody had his focus on her and nobody realized that what is doing in the shop.

Plane Crashes in Afghanistan

A video has been captured by an on-dashboard camera of a car in which a cargo plane can be seen crashing right after it took off from the runway.

According to the reports, a total of seven crew members were flying on that plane and all of them were reported died in the crash.

In the video, it was clear that the plan takes off from a runway in Afghanistan and suddenly it lost its flight and started moving right towards the ground.

On impact, a huge blast was seen and the plan was completely on fire. There was no chance for anybody present in the plane to escape.

The video was posted on social media sites and video sharing sites and became viral in just few minutes and it has already received millions of visits.

On impact, a huge blast was seen and the plan was completely on fire. There was no chance for anybody present in the plane to escape. The video was posted on social media sites and video sharing sites and became viral in just few minutes and it has already received millions of visits.

Shopping mall try room prank

Shopping malls is a necessary part of the country, especially the countries like Pakistan, where the majority of the public belongs to the middle class who daily travel in public buses as they can’t afford their own conveyance.
The government is taking several steps to solve the problems of shopping malls, but the latest report shows that the condition isn’t satisfactory enough.
“Unfortunately, travelling becomes a throbbing experience for women and they daily faces sexual harassment in public places. Male customers use different tricks to grab their attention and misbehaving them, they consider their right.
Both the drivers and the customers stare them and make them embarrass. Women feel insecure while travelling by shopping malls. Drivers display uncultured behavior towards women customers, which is awfully irritating.
Noisy vulgar music is also played throughout the journey, which is very distressing for women customers.
Though, front part of the bus is assigned to the female customers, but the male customers never stop from their offensive acts. It is our duty to respect to females and let them work in a peaceful environment.
The government is taking serious steps in this aspect and initiating different projects as well. However, the progress is limited to the cities only and rural women are totally ignored.
The government officials vow to start projects in rural areas as well and promises to provide all facilities to the public equally.
 The females have appreciated this announcement and termed it necessary.

A Brave Man Spends his Life with Dreadful Lions

This is story of a brave man who spends his whole life with dreadful lions in his private forest in Johannesburg. Ha has family of thirty eight lions which are very loyal to him.

The whole story is covered by a discovery news channel. It is really astonishing to watch a number of lions with a single man. Lion is a really dreadful animal but this heroic man is full of spirit and does not afraid to spend time in playing with lions.

It takes year to build such relation of trust and affection with a frightful animal. Lions treat this man as a friend and family. He feels very safe with them.

Kevin is an animal behaviorist who does not believe in observing his subjects from a safe distance. On asking he said if someone talks about having animal love and does not go close to them, he is not a true animal lover.

As a fact, lions do not like water but in this video a young lion is playing with Kevin in the river. He is amazed wild life expert around the world.
There are many who say any human interaction with animals is just wrong but other say this is actually away to solve the issue of long survival of animals on earth.

Amazing Family of Thirty Eight Lions and a Man

This whole story is covered by a discovery news channel. It is really astonishing to watch a number of lions with a single man. Lion is a really dreadful animal but this heroic man is full of spirit and does not afraid to spend time in playing with lions.

It is about a number of lions with a single man at a private resort in Johannesburg. A man has Ha has family of thirty eight lions which are very loyal to him. 
He is amazed wild life expert around the world. Kevin who is an animal behaviorist does not believe in observing his subjects from a safe distance. 
On asking he said if someone talks about having animal love and does not go close to them, he is not a true animal lover.
To build such relation of trust and affection with a frightful animal can take years.
 Lions treat this man as their friends and family. He feels very safe with them. 
It is all about trust that lions do not like water but you can look clearly in video that a young lion is playing with Kevin in the river. 
Kevin says if I get afraid that they would kill me. It is okay because it happens but if I get an opportunity to come back from dying, I would do the same.

The photos of first flower which is grown in space.

The famous space man of USA, Scott Kelly, delivered first plant to flowering in space station condition and this is big deal. Plant breeding program is one of the critical and vital projects of space research to get possible implementation in journey to Mars. Breeding of this flower is done in the plant laboratory of the International Space Station, and this laboratory is stable almost 2 years ago. In this laboratory, the supplement of crew's food of International Space Station is run and let me add that during the two years act of this laboratory a few kind of plant are grown in there such as edible lettuce. The surveying of grow and living the plants without light and soil is the important research case of scientists. Also these plant laboratories are work for growing the edible plants in long space trips of USA and Russia's programs. The plant and food producing and growing is one of important concerns in trip and living in Mars. Because the Mars id very far, so spacemen cannot bear the enough food there.

The strange act of a woman for childbearing

An American woman, who was disappointed of childbearing, kidnapped her 6 months old nephew from her sister's home. This 31 years old woman long time pretended to have pregnancy and then stole his nephew and run away to other city, then she announced that this child is hers. This woman had published many photos of her pregnancy in Facebook, so she said that gave a birth to her baby. But police suspicion was strengthened because her departure day was same stealing her nephew, and police find a prosthetic pregnant belly in the interrogation of her home. She confessed to kidnapping and this child was returned to hıs parents.

The literally made death a joke

People are strictly reacting about the misadventure by giving their remarks. The news is about the murder of a man by his wife in their house.

According to the reports of media, a woman killed her husband in her house.

The media reported that there are different reasons for the happening of this mishap. There arose a clash between the husband and her wife.

The clash was not as larger as it could become the reason of a murder. The wife could not control her emotions and killed her husband in house.

Reports stated that when man was coming to the ground floor of the building, his wife found an opportunity to attack him. She at once took a revolver and attacked her husband before reaching to the ground floor of the building.

She could not control over her emotions and committed a murder. When the police reached at the point of misadventure, they could not find the lady. She disappeared after killing her husband. The clips of the mishap can be accessed on different websites.

One should thing well before taking such severe decisions about the lives of others. It is a matter of fact that nothing is precious than the life of human beings. One should care about the feelings and emotions of others.

In this way, it would be easier for everyone to overcome the distressing situations.

Game of death or death of all games

Sometimes it becomes more difficult to explain about the happening of serious accidents. Most of the times, many accidents cause the death of people due to their negligence. History is full of such mishaps which resulted the happening of death of many people.
They were solemnly responsible for those distressing mishaps. It is often observed that minor clashes among the family members lead them to the serious results. While talking about the details of mishaps among the family members, it is necessary to discuss here about one of those horrible incidents. According to the provided details on media, a woman attacked her husband and killed him on the spot.
The reports described in details about the reasons of the mishap. There arose a dispute between the husband and his wife on a minor issue.
They enhanced the dispute without any logical reasoning. Ultimately, the disagreement led them to the murder of man by his wife.
According to the reports, husband was coming from first floor of the building to its ground floor by the stairs. When his wife saw that he is alone, she at once attacked him with a revolver. Her husband fell down from the stairs and died at the spot.
When the neighbors informed the police about the mishap, the lady vanished from the sight. She committed to kill her husband and ran away.
The police came on the place of mishap and reported about the misadventure. A little dispute ultimately caused to the death of a man. These types of painful incidents often take place in our society.